With Bárcena de Bureba we have found something unfindable. Which sounds impossible but it is true. Bárcena cannot be found on google maps. When searching on Google you will find a place in Spain but somewhere in the middle of nowhere. See the image on the right. And we all know if Google cannot find it, it does not exist! As you can see this is not a village and not even an empty village but just some meadow. In the left panel Google recognizes the village as a ghost town with images which actually are from the actual village. Here you see one of the broken houses with graffiti on it. This is from the real Bárcena and not the above location in the meadows. All the way at the bottom you find the Ghost town label. In the search bar google gives it a zip code of 09410. A funny detail is that there are 6 reviews and they seem to be very happy with the empty town as it has an average of 4.3 stars. But if you want to visit, do not drive to this location as you will not find the villa