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Showing posts from March, 2023

NIE a long story short

After the deal was, yet again, a done course we got into contact with the notary in Briviesca instead of using online firms as we wanted to promote the local economy as much as possible. The communication was in Spanish so we let Yasmin do it for us. The first thing which became clear was before doing anything official we needed a NIE. A NIE is number which the government uses for registration. So we went online to figure out how this could be done. There were quite some posts of people asking how this was done and a lot of replies of how difficult it could be. There is a form which needs to be filled. Which sounds easy but many where send away because of one mistake. And some things seem clear like an address but are not. Did we need to fill in our dutch address or an address in Spain? There were different stories about that. As it is possible to get a NIE in the Spanish consulate we first tried that. When there would be a problem we could return any day until all was fine. Also it co

Final negotiations

We already thought we had a deal . We had 59 houses with 6 ha of land for about 340.000. Which was just a bit over our budget but we agreed on it. Then there was a complication that one landowner wanted an amount which was much too high and that an other only wanted to sell his land with an additional 5 houses. As we already were a bit over our budget we needed somehow that Marcelino would agree to take the extra amount. As we expected this would be a bit complicated we wanted someone to make a phone call to close the deal. Yasmin did not feel comfortable doing negotiations so we asked the guys of biomimicry granada to make the call. They were happy to do it but they assumed it was real estate work and for that wanted a real estate fee. For us it was just one call so we did not agree on it. As we were out of options we decided to write an email.    As we had no financial room we needed to find some room to lower the price. As the land was from other parties I assumed it would be impos