In the first meeting with the notary we also talked about setting up a new company, from which we want to buy the houses and land. Maria told us what steps we had to take to set up the company (a Sociedad limitada (S.L.) in Spain). The first step was to go to a gestor with a list of 5 possible names for our company, that had to be checked in the Registro Mercantil Central, if the name already existed or in pronunciation is close to an existing name. They would reserve the first name for us, that was original enough. Our list was: Ardbol Tierr Ardbol suelo Ardbol Globo Ardbol grond Ardbol bodem We expected to get our first name, because we didn’t expect anybody to have ardbol in their company's name. And we already had, so it must be unique. So we went to a gestor in Burgos, since we were sleeping there. Maaike googled for gestor and found about 20! We had no clue which one to take so we one that looked modern. With our little once we walked to the offi