Our third week of the summer holiday was all about learning Spanish. The kids went daycamp in Castelldefels, Tibor had a 20 hour course in Barcelona and Maaike 10 hours of private class also in Barcelona. The day camp for the kids It all sounded very well: classes from 9.00 to 12.30 and lot's of fun activities the rest of the day. We figured, if they wouldn't really learn anything, at least the would hear Spanish all day. After the first day we picked the kids up at 20.00, they were very tired and complaining. They didn't feel very well (we all, except Tibor, developed a stomach flu that day), which didn't help, but also they said that everything was in English. The girl that was their mentor during the afternoon, was surprised when Maaike said that the kids didn't speak English. The next day they didn't go the class because of the stomach flu, but on Wednesday they went again. We agreed that Maaike would talk to the teacher, to tell her the kids don't sp