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Final negotiations

We already thought we had a deal. We had 59 houses with 6 ha of land for about 340.000. Which was just a bit over our budget but we agreed on it. Then there was a complication that one landowner wanted an amount which was much too high and that an other only wanted to sell his land with an additional 5 houses. As we already were a bit over our budget we needed somehow that Marcelino would agree to take the extra amount.

As we expected this would be a bit complicated we wanted someone to make a phone call to close the deal. Yasmin did not feel comfortable doing negotiations so we asked the guys of biomimicry granada to make the call. They were happy to do it but they assumed it was real estate work and for that wanted a real estate fee. For us it was just one call so we did not agree on it. As we were out of options we decided to write an email.   

As we had no financial room we needed to find some room to lower the price. As the land was from other parties I assumed it would be impossible to get them to a lower to price. So the only option was to get the price per 'house' down from 4.750 to 4.250 getting the total price up to 350.000. We wrote the email, Yasmin translated it and mailed it. Now another awaiting started.

After 3 days we got an email, cryptic and short as always but it seemed they agreed on 4.250 so the deal was done! Again :) 

There was a signed contract but we had some adjustments and wanted a notary to look at it. We also did not have it clear; how a house buying worked in Spain and how we wanted to buy it. 

After talking to quite a lot of people we decided to setup a company in Spain to buy the land and probably to setup a company in Holland to use it. So we needed to setup a Spanish company which is a SL.

Our notary told us we needed to have a so called NIE number. Without this we could not do a thing. So we also started to investigate how this worked. 

And Marcelino wanted to add an article to the contract that if 90% of the land and houses could be sold to us the deal would still go through. Which is understandable as he was dependent on the owners of the land and if one of them would object, the deal would be off. On the other hand we did not want the lose some most important parts of the land so again we needed to discuss this.

As all this was difficult from Holland we went to Spain in February to hopefully arrange these things or at least get a part done. 


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