On Thursday 25th of January we got a message from our dutch friend in Spain, a link to an article. She had sent it to us although the expectation was we already knew this. As this article was about the Ardbol village.

And that is what the site Spanjevandaag also thought. From a friend in Holland we got a message: ‘read this article, it is about a project similar to yours’. Yes it was, better yet it was our project, the article was translated directly from the Spanish version. We also found the same article on the website inspanje.nl

It did not take long before a large dutch news site the AD also copied the article. They copied the article from the Spanjevandaag website. Interesting to see how news goes around the world. It even ended up on the popular online site nu.nl.
The journalist of the first article finally found our information and had an interview with Maaike. That was all in Spanish and went very well. The next day there was a new and improved article.
Again this got translated into the Dutch news site AD. And people liked the copy past action as it was the most read article. And even got an article in Belgium.

From that moment we got a lot of attention. Many views on our website and quite some emails from a lot of different people. Friends and unknown people. Some want to just wish us good luck, very nice! Others want to help or live in the village. There were also professionals who wanted to help and television programs who wanted to interview or make a program.
It is heartwarming and we will take this week to reply to all nice messages.
Al this attention led to a big jump in our visitors on this website. Which is all good as it will help the project and with that will fix the world.
Just after I finished this article this Spanish news flash was added.
Es cierto, la noticia ha salido en numerosos medios de comunicación en España. Hoy mismo en las noticias de Antena 3 (uno de los principales canales de televisión en España) se ha hablado de este genial proyecto. Podeis ver el video en este enlace: